There’s gonna be some changes made…

…to all of you who signed up to follow my sporadic blog. I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. However, I’ve decided with the hours I have in the day, I have to choose between writing a newsletter and writing the blog. And while I may continue to blog sporadically, I am going to put my non-book-writing time into the newsletter.
Second, a request…
I hope that, if you haven’t done so already, you will sign up for my monthly newsletter, where I’ll continue keep you posted on all that I’m up to an everything going on in Eden Beach and everything going on along Route 66 with Kat and Tish.
You can subscribe by clicking on the image above and filling out the form, clicking on the pop up when it slides in from the right (if you haven’t already), or in the block below my image over there on the right.
And lastly, thank you again!

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